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Feet First - Your Best Foot Forward

Marketing message for Feet First, featured in Underground Urgency's 2012 Best Of Thingy
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Feet First
ZZP-2312 (9.00 lbs)
Sale Price: $299.99
List Price: $350.00
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Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water.  Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water.  Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water.  Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water. 

Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water. 

Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water.  Age before beauty, sight before smell, and of course our all time favorite, feet before foot with hands across the water. 

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